
Please join us for any one of our three worship services.  Our general worship schedule is: 

  • Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, 9:00 a.m.
  • Sunday School, 10:30 a.m.

For the most part, the same theme is echoed throughout the weekend.  However, each service is unique in the way in which that theme is experienced.  One would have to attend both worship services on a weekend to understand that.

We also have additional special worship services throughout the year for different festive holidays such as Ash Wednesday, Lent, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.


We are gifted with many worship leaders:  


  • We have a retired clergy who relates to our congregation. He is very faithful in his participation in worship and has been a help when needed.
  • We have several Lay Speakers/Servants who assist in multiple ways in our worship services, especially, when the pastor is away.
  • We have gifted musicians, beginning with our Choir Director and our Accompanist/Organist. Both of them (and the participating choir members) provide beautiful, thematic music choices for each weekend’s theme.
  • We have numerous lay people that enhance our worship experience: multi-media personnel, ushers, sound technicians, greeters, lay readers, acolytes, etc. We are very dependent upon our volunteers to make our worship services meaningful and engaging.       


We have two, rotating Child Care Providers available each Sunday morning during the worship service and most of the special worship services during the year.  If visiting, simply ask an usher to direct you to the nursery.


We try to make each worship service accessible to those with special needs.  The sanctuary is all one level, with the exception of the chancel area, where a ramp is provided.  Handicapped accessible restrooms are near the sanctuary.  Multi-media during worship services can be used as a visual aid.  Large print hymnals and a sound-assisted hearing device are also available for use in the sanctuary upon request.


Finally, there is a one-week archive of both of our worship services.  Click on the link above, click on “menu” and then click on the microphone icon on the far right. The choices of services will be provided there.

We would be happy to have you visit with us OR even make your church home with us.  Call the church office (570-326-5569) if you have any questions about any of the above